Vacation, Retire, Invest in Belize
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Saturday, 25 June 2005
Belize is Frommers top ten tourism destination
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Frommers guidebook says Belize is one of top ten picks in 2005.
Topic: Belize is best says guide
June 25th posting

From Ambergris Today

Belize Named One of Top 10 Summer Destinations
Belize has been chosen by Frommer’s, a household name in the travel industry which produces the Frommer’s Website, the Frommer’s Guidebooks and Frommer’s Magazine, as one of the top ten destinations for travel this summer. Frommer’s polled their hundreds of outspoken experts around the world for their top picks on up and coming destinations near and far.

Since the 1957 publication of Arthur Frommer’s revolutionary Europe on $5 a Day, the Frommer’s collection of travel products has expanded to include over 300 guidebooks as well as Web site, reaffirming Frommer’s as the most trusted name in travel today. Frommer’s website and newsletter are also essential resources for those planning the perfect travel excursion. It features information on the latest travel trips, deals and last-minute bargains.

Pauline Frommer, spokesperson for Frommer’s, conducted a National TV Satellite media tour during which she discussed the destinations and why they were “hot” spots for travel. The Satellite media tour was aired on May 26th, 2005.

The show appeared on CNN Headline News – Prime Time Tonight, reaching a national audience of 1,089,000. It also appeared on local affiliates such as Fox 10 News Arizona Morning - KSAZ-TV - the Fox affiliate in Phoenix with an audience of 76,949; KUSI Morning News - KSUI-TV, an independent station in San Diego, with an audience of 27,216; News Channel 8, WTNH-TV, the ABC affiliate in Hartford/New Haven, Connecticut with an audience of 75,592; 5 News at 7am - KSFM-TV, the CBS affiliate in Fort Smith, Arkansas and ran on rotation on CSPAN throughout the day.

“Frommer’s is an essential online destination for those planning the perfect getaway excursion,” comments Tourism Director, Tracy Panton. ”The exposure gained from the TV Satellite Tour conducted by Frommer’s gave Belize numerous hits on both local and national audiences throughout the United States. It will also equip those planning their summer vacation with enough information to now seek Belize as their destination of choice.”

Frommer’s Top Ten Destinations for Summer 2005 included Baltimore, Barcelona, Belize, Cambria, California, The Catskills- NY, The Cook Islands – South Pacific, Hoi An – Vietnam, Paraty – Brazil, Puerto Rico and South Africa. – Press Release, Belize Tourism Board, Belize City, Friday, June 17, 2005 –

Posted by falconview0 at 7:40 PM EDT
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Sunday, 19 June 2005
Viking Funeral for a beloved husband on Caye Caulker from Minnesota
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: flutes playing Scottish funeral laments accompany Michael to his watery grave on the reef.
Topic: funeral service on Caye
We had to make a quick trip to Caye Caulker, Belize for to arrange for a funeral of Michael Femrite, husband of my daughter Diane Auxillou on the island. Michael had a restaurant for a few years and had been an aeronautical engineer in the states, but wanted out of the rat race. He spent 6 years on the island of Caye Caulker and died as a result of a freak kite surfing accident at his beach shack windsurf rental business. The story of his six years on Caye Caulker and his VIKING MEMORIAL SERVICE by the locals out on the Barrier Reef itself with a sailboat parade is here on this website.

Posted by falconview0 at 12:34 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 24 May 2005
Life in Belize by a US retiree.
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: A typical story of Belize time, versus USA time frames.
Topic: Belize time is different
Rick is a US retiree from Colorado living in Corozal town on the Mexican border of Belize with his Social Security fixed income. He has fun! It's all in the attitude.

A SLICE OF LIFE IN THE TROPICS of Northern Belize. -- Rick Zahniser, 24 May, 2005

Yesterday was an interesting day for me

First, a little scene setting. The Corozal School District decided,
about two weeks ago, that they would have a "Festival of Arts and
and began planning ahead. They decided to have it on Commonwealth Day
(May 23 -- yesterday) and started planning. They had a few meetings,
Brad Moore, my erstwhile sideman and teaching colleague, now in charge
of music at CCC (Corozal Community College) asked me to be a judge.
They had a judges meeting Friday, but forget to tell the judges (except
for me) and I was rehearsing, so I missed it. Brad said it was pretty

I already had some other things planned. for Monday. It is laundry
and I did my customary two loads, hung up the dark load, and then
about the white load until it sat in the machine for three or four
hours. I hung it up, and brought in the dark load, which was already
dry. (It was a HOT HOT day.) Our praise/jazz musical group (which you
can see at was scheduled to
at 3PM. I figured I'd quit early. However, they didn't show up until
little after 4, and the drums needed to be assembled because we used
them at a church the night before, so we really didn't get started
playing until almost 4:30. (This is pretty typical in Belize. Time is
just not as important here as it is in some other places.) So, after
one piece, I had to stop and take a shower and get dressed to be a
judge. As soon as I got in the shower I discovered a million ants
coming into the bathroom thru the hole in the wall where the right
faucet comes in. I got some bug spray and stemmed the tide of ants
enuf to take my shower. Ed (our sax man) said "That means it's going
rain, hard" and I realized that all of the little workers had been
carrying eggs, a sure sign of impending deluge. (They bring them in,
and try to place them up high in your house -- kinda hard, since I have
a cement roof/ceiling, but they are relentless.)

I was late getting to the show, but it didn't start until 5:30.(30
minutes late) There were 12 women judges and me. Most of them were
judging drama and dance, and Gail, a young Garifuna lady, and I were
judging the musical items. The stage was gaily decorated with spinners
and fake flowers, and the backdrop announced the festival in foot-high
gold letters -- perhaps the only billing that it got! In spite of the
lack of advanced billing, there were about 400 folks, mostly parents
friends, waiting to watch the show. We sang the national anthem, and a
pastor prayed, and the show was on.

The dancers were mostly outfitted in Kriol Outfits, gaily flowered, and
they were wonderful. One couple were dressed as Matador and Do?a, and
were superb (they ultimately won a Gold.) The skits were, as usual, in
Kriol, because that's what the kids speak everyday, but I noticed that
could understand a lot more of it than I could when I was teaching at
CCC in 2000-2001. The music was "pretty OK" but I had judging sheets
which let me assign points for the various aspects of the performance
and the judging was straight forward. After the show, the MC took me
to task for giving a Silver (instead of Gold) to a young man whom he
said "Won two Karaokes." Tonight I will explain the judging sheets to
him and point out that there are two judges, and we simply assign
to each performer.

About an hour into the show, it started to rain. Now the CCC
is targeted as a Hurricane Shelter, but they have never put sides on
So it is a 400 x 400 steel framework, with a 20 foot Zinc (tin)
and a cafeteria and storage along the right side. The wind was blowing
from the open left side, and people began to move their chairs in
the cafeteria. Brad moved the left-hand PA speaker, which was getting
soaked. Eventually we moved the judges' tables to the right, The
was wet, which affected the blocking. The rain turned into a typical
"Torrential Rain," pounding the tin roof so that we could hardly talk
each other, much less hear the performers. Brad turned up the sound
we continued until about 7:30 PM when we turned in our judging sheets,
and they figured the winners for the night. Occasionally, these
torrential rains turn the area surrounding the auditorium into a lake,
but this is the first real rain we have had in six months, and the dry
earth soaked it up.

In the course of the performance, the lights went out a couple of times
-- each a frightening episode with gasps and screams -- but they came
back on right away.

I had left Los Levites to lock up my place, and I came home to find all
my louvers shut up tight, and Ernie (the killer kitty) safe inside.
Thank goodness they were there to close the place up -- otherwise
everything would have been soaked. As was my load of laundry -- still
on the line. Five minutes after I got home, the power went off, and
stayed off for about an hour and a half. I went to bed and woke up
about one-thirty in the morning. Wide awake and hungry, I checked my
e-mail, had a "smoothie" -- made with frozen papaya chunks and fresh
milk -- and Ernie and I went back to bed.

This morning, I brought in my whites, spun them dry, and hung them out
in the bright bright day, which promises to be hot, hot, hot.

There will be two more nights of judging, and I hope that it won't
rain. But I can only count on one thing. They will start late.

Senor Reek
Looking forward to two more nights of "El Maestro de la Musica en
Copyright, Sr_ric, 2005. All rights reserved.
Permission granted by e-mail, May 2005.

Posted by falconview0 at 1:45 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 May 2005 6:31 PM EDT
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Sunday, 15 May 2005
Escape the rat race and move to Belize!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Another fed up gringo contemplates moving to Belize for peace and fun.
Topic: Where to find sanity !

Taken from the Belize Culture Listserve May 15, 2005

Herndon, Va.: Okay, that's it, I give up. I've gotten so depressed lately from reading the paper and listening to the news that I'm ready to
leave, to move. I'm young (mid-20s), a female and liberal, so I thought of Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland - but they're so cold. You guys travel a lot. Any
suggestions for where I should be looking relocating to? Thanks!

KC Summers: Hmm, how about Belize? There's a great expat community down there (mostly Brits and Americans) of folks who can't take it here for one
reason or another. They certainly seem happy -- and with fabulous warm weather, great water sports and a lively bar scene, what's not to like?
It's changing fast though, as people are discovering it and buying up land and building houses.

How about it clickters -- any other recommendations for poor fed-up Herndon?

Fedup again:: Thanks for the Belize tip. Does no one else have any suggestions? Also, how would I go about planning for something like this?
Would I talk to a travel agent? Or are there people who specialize in this sort of thing? Thanks!;

KC Summers: Wow, you're really serious! Okay, first of all, and this might sound obvious, go for a visit first. You might not even like it!
Second, do some reading. There's a guy named Lan Sluder who knows everything there is to know about Belize and has written a guidebook specifically for
prospective expats -- I forget the title, check Read and heed, so you know what you're getting into.

No other suggestions for poor Fedup? Cmon folks, she's desperate!

Posted by falconview0 at 1:09 PM EDT
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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Retiree lives a full life in Corozal, Belize.
Mood:  special
Now Playing: retired Rick from Colorad, plays music and teaches youngsters in his Northern Belize town.
Topic: retirement and music
" Well, the other night I judged a 'battle of the bands' at the Corozal Civic Center, and got a long ovation for my service teaching music at CCC and supporting the young musicians of Corozal. You wouldn't know anything about that, but I have the love and respect of several hundred Corozalenos already."

This is an excerpt on a debate in the Belize Culture Listserve from Rick with another diehard disinformation person for the current ruling PUP controlling government. Rick lives in Corozal in the North of Belize. It is drier up there than where I am in Hillview, Cayo District, with about 60 inches a year in Corozal, the cane farming belt. Rick taught Corozal Community College and is currently teaching music as a sideline and playing in bands as a guitarist. At 69 years old, living off a fixed social security income from Colorado in the USA, I'd say he is living a full life in retirement and having loads of fun. He has a website called Corozal North with lots of information for other would be retirees in Belize.

Posted by falconview0 at 1:07 PM EDT
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