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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Retiree lives a full life in Corozal, Belize.
Mood:  special
Now Playing: retired Rick from Colorad, plays music and teaches youngsters in his Northern Belize town.
Topic: retirement and music
" Well, the other night I judged a 'battle of the bands' at the Corozal Civic Center, and got a long ovation for my service teaching music at CCC and supporting the young musicians of Corozal. You wouldn't know anything about that, but I have the love and respect of several hundred Corozalenos already."

This is an excerpt on a debate in the Belize Culture Listserve from Rick with another diehard disinformation person for the current ruling PUP controlling government. Rick lives in Corozal in the North of Belize. It is drier up there than where I am in Hillview, Cayo District, with about 60 inches a year in Corozal, the cane farming belt. Rick taught Corozal Community College and is currently teaching music as a sideline and playing in bands as a guitarist. At 69 years old, living off a fixed social security income from Colorado in the USA, I'd say he is living a full life in retirement and having loads of fun. He has a website called Corozal North with lots of information for other would be retirees in Belize.

Posted by falconview0 at 1:07 PM EDT
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