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Where to find sanity !
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Sunday, 15 May 2005
Escape the rat race and move to Belize!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Another fed up gringo contemplates moving to Belize for peace and fun.
Topic: Where to find sanity !

Taken from the Belize Culture Listserve May 15, 2005

Herndon, Va.: Okay, that's it, I give up. I've gotten so depressed lately from reading the paper and listening to the news that I'm ready to
leave, to move. I'm young (mid-20s), a female and liberal, so I thought of Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland - but they're so cold. You guys travel a lot. Any
suggestions for where I should be looking relocating to? Thanks!

KC Summers: Hmm, how about Belize? There's a great expat community down there (mostly Brits and Americans) of folks who can't take it here for one
reason or another. They certainly seem happy -- and with fabulous warm weather, great water sports and a lively bar scene, what's not to like?
It's changing fast though, as people are discovering it and buying up land and building houses.

How about it clickters -- any other recommendations for poor fed-up Herndon?

Fedup again:: Thanks for the Belize tip. Does no one else have any suggestions? Also, how would I go about planning for something like this?
Would I talk to a travel agent? Or are there people who specialize in this sort of thing? Thanks!;

KC Summers: Wow, you're really serious! Okay, first of all, and this might sound obvious, go for a visit first. You might not even like it!
Second, do some reading. There's a guy named Lan Sluder who knows everything there is to know about Belize and has written a guidebook specifically for
prospective expats -- I forget the title, check Read and heed, so you know what you're getting into.

No other suggestions for poor Fedup? Cmon folks, she's desperate!

Posted by falconview0 at 1:09 PM EDT
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